TobiPL Posted September 6, 2019 Report Share Posted September 6, 2019 Jesteście prawdziwą Perełką !... Lubię przeglądać nowości w programowania, każdego tygodnia wyszukują C++ Kurs oraz C++ Poradnik na YouTube i ustawiam filtr na ostatni tydzień Od niedawna zacząłem interesować się również forami... Jakim cudem jest tak wiele postów sprzed ponad 2/4 lat !... na pierwszych stronach są widoczne posty z 2013 roku... powinniście zareklamować skuteczniej swoje Formu :x... Co prawda ma sporo niedociągnięć oraz braków jednak wygląda zdecydowanie lepiej niż cpp0x czy inne beznadziejne fora... Jednak aby nie być oskarżonym o bezwartościowy post... to OK... Mam taki problem że mi to się nie kompiluje... Kompilator wywala błąd i nie umiem znaleźć powodu :)... ahh ja !... Ja !... CZEMU?... Ktoś mi odpowie?... jest to Język Skryptowy Papyrus dla Bethesdy... Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference { Script to Light Up all Lights in List and turn them out after Time This script is created by TobiPL for Braverock 3 } Import Sound ;===- Base Info. -===; ;Created: 2019-03-17 ;Update: 2019-04-19 ;Author: TobiPL ;Unit: M.PC<1> ;===- Var. setup -============================================ Actor Property QPlayer Auto { Player Ref. } ;===- Items Var. -=============================== ;***********************************************; FormList Property QData auto { List of Used items << Order >> :0: - Light :1: - Light Effect :2: - Static :3: - Sound Marker } ObjectReference[] QDataArray Sound Property QSoundFireUp Auto { Sound to Play on fire activate } Sound Property QSoundFireOut Auto { Sound to Play on fire deactivate } Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto { Time in GameH to Off Light, 0.5 Mean 30 Min } Float Property QTrunOffMin Auto { Min. in GameH time to Off Light, after this use only Delay } GlobalVariable Property QDebug Auto { Global, true/false to show Debug Notifications ! please, use "QLG_DEBUG_SCRIPT" } ;================================================ ;===- Main Script -============================== ;***********************************************; Ev ent OnInit() If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Starting Initialization" ) EndIf ;*********************************; If( FirstUse ) Constructor() FirstUse = false EndIf If( QFired ) GoToState( "QState_Working" ) Else GoToState( "QState_Ready" ) EndIf ;*********************************; If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Initialization Finished" ) EndIf EndEvent;==- Var. List -==; Bool FirstUse = true ; ;*************************; State Wait ; Do Nothing EndState ;================================================ ;***********************************************; State QState_Ready Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef ) If( QRef != QPlayer ) Return EndIf If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Triggered QLG_Script_SwitchLight" ) EndIf QFired = true; GoToState( "QState_Working" ) QLFireUp() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay + QTrunOffMin ) EndEvent EndState;==- Var. List -==; ;*************************; Bool QFired = false; ; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; State QState_Working Event OnUpdateGameTime() If( QLUpdateFire() ) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay ) If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Update Fire, Fires left: " + AMT ) EndIf Else QFired = false; UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() GoToState( "QState_Ready" ) If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Fire out" ) EndIf EndIf EndEvent EndState;==- Var. List -==; ; ; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; Bool Function QLUpdateFire() Int Rand = QChain_GetRandomID() If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, ID: " + Rand ) EndIf ObjectReference[] TempArray TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ] ; Light, Effect, Static, Sound TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand ] TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 1 ] TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 2 ] TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 3 ] If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) ) Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, All Objects are Good" ) Else Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, Few Objects are Bad" ) EndIf QLPlayFireOut( TempArray ) QChain_RemoveID( Rand ) If( AMT == 0 ) Return False EndIf Return true EndFunction;==- Var. List -==; ; ; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; Function QLFireUp() ObjectReference[] TempArray TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ] ; Light, Effect, Static, Sound Int DataSize = QData.GetSize() DataSize /= 4 Int i = 0 While ( i < DataSize ) TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i ] TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 1 ] TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 2 ] TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 3 ] If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) ) Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, All Objects are Good" ) Else Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, Objects are Bad" ) EndIf QChain_Add( i ) QLPlayFireUp( TempArray ) Utility.Wait( 0.1 ) i += 1 If( QDebug as bool ) Debug.Notification( "Fire Created, ID: " + i ) EndIf EndWhile EndFunction;==- Var. List -==; ; ; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; Function QLPlayFireUp( ObjectReference[] Data ) Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireUp.Play( Data[2] ) Data[0].Enable( true ) ; Enable Light Data[1].Enable( true ) ; Enable Effect Utility.Wait( 0.1 ) ; Wait Data[1].Disable( true ) ; Disable Effect Data[2].Enable( true ) ; Enable Static Data[3].Enable() ; Enable Sound Marker Utility.Wait( 0.2 ) ; Wait StopInstance( SoundTemp ) EndFunction;==- Var. List -==; ; ; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; Function QLPlayFireOut( ObjectReference[] Data ) Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireOut.Play( Data[2] ) Data[2].Disable( true ) ; Disable Static Utility.Wait( 0.3 ) ; Wait Data[0].Disable( true ) ; Disable Light Data[3].Disable( true ) ; Disable Sound Marker Utility.Wait( 0.3 ) ; Wait StopInstance( SoundTemp ) EndFunction ;========================================================== ;*******************************************************************; ;===- Class QChain -================================================= ;*******************************************************************; ;========================================================== ; Item Structure ; ; Int[] NextID ; Next Item ID Int[] PrevID ; Prev Item ID Int[] RefID ; Value to Object ID ;*******************************************; ; Free Strusture ; ; Int[] List ; List of Free IDs Int First ; First Free ID ;*******************************************; ; Var. List ; ; Int LastUsed ; Last Used Item Int FirstID ; First Item Int LastID ; Last Item Int AMT ; Amount Of Items Int Size = 32 ; Size of Array ;*******************************************; ;================================================ ;***********************************************; Int Function QChain_GetRandomID() Int Temp = FirstID Int Rand = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , AMT ) Int i = 0 While ( i < Rand ) Temp = NextID[ Temp ] i += 1 EndWhile Return RefID[ Temp ] EndFunction ;_______________________________________________; ;===============================================; ;***********************************************; Bool Function QChain_Add( int NewValue ) If( AMT == Size ) Return false EndIf int NewItemID = List[ First ] PrevID[ FirstID ] = NewItemID NextID[ LastID ] = NewItemID NextID[ NewItemID ] = FirstID PrevID[ NewItemID ] = LastID RefID[ NewItemID ] = NewValue LastID = NewItemID; First -= 1 AMT += 1 Return true EndFunction ;_______________________________________________; ;===============================================; ;***********************************************; Bool Function QChain_RemoveID( int ID ) If( AMT == 0 ) Return false EndIf int ItemID = FirstID Int i = 0 While ( i < AMT ) If( ID == ItemID ) AMT -= 1 First += 1 List[ First ] = ID NextID[ PrevID[ ItemID ] ] = NextID[ ItemID ] PrevID[ NextID[ ItemID ] ] = PrevID[ ItemID ] If( ItemID == FirstID ) FirstID = NextID[ ItemID ] EndIf If( ItemID == LastID ) LastID = PrevID[ ItemID ] EndIf Return true EndIf ItemID = NextID[ ItemID ] i += 1 EndWhile Return false EndFunction ;_______________________________________________; ;===============================================; ;***********************************************; Function Constructor() NextID = new Int [ 32 ] PrevID = new Int [ 32 ] RefID = new Int [ 32 ] List = new Int [ 32 ] QDataArray = new ObjectReference [ 128 ] Int T = 0 Int DataSize = QData.GetSize() While ( T < DataSize ) QDataArray[ T ] = QData.GetAt( T ) as ObjectReference T += 1 EndWhile First = Size - 1 Int i = 0 While ( i < Size ) List[i] = ( Size - i ) - 1 ; NextID[i] = 0; PrevID[i] = 0; RefID[i] = 1; i += 1 EndWhile AMT = 0; LastUsed = 0; FirstID = 0; LastID = 0; EndFunction ;***********************************************; ;=============- QChain Class END -==============; ;***********************************************; ; Hello I'm Tobi and my Sexy Cat is Nicole !... 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