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Perełka !...


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Jesteście prawdziwą Perełką !...

Lubię przeglądać nowości w programowania, każdego tygodnia wyszukują C++ Kurs oraz C++ Poradnik na YouTube i ustawiam filtr na ostatni tydzień

Od niedawna zacząłem interesować się również forami...


Jakim cudem jest tak wiele postów sprzed ponad 2/4 lat !...

na pierwszych stronach są widoczne posty z 2013 roku... powinniście zareklamować skuteczniej swoje Formu :x...


Co prawda ma sporo niedociągnięć oraz braków jednak wygląda zdecydowanie lepiej niż cpp0x czy inne beznadziejne fora...



Jednak aby nie być oskarżonym o bezwartościowy post... to OK...

Mam taki problem że mi to się nie kompiluje...

Kompilator wywala błąd i nie umiem znaleźć powodu :)... ahh ja !... Ja !...


CZEMU?... Ktoś mi odpowie?... jest to Język Skryptowy Papyrus dla Bethesdy...

Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
{ Script to Light Up all Lights in List and turn them out after Time
	This script is created by TobiPL for Braverock 3 }
Import Sound
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-03-17
 ;Update: 2019-04-19
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref. }
;===- Items Var. -===============================
	FormList Property QData auto
	{ List of Used items
		<< Order >>
		 :0: - Light
		 :1: - Light Effect
		 :2: - Static
		 :3: - Sound Marker }
	ObjectReference[] QDataArray
	Sound Property QSoundFireUp Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire activate }
	Sound Property QSoundFireOut Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire deactivate }

	Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto
	{ Time in GameH to Off Light, 0.5 Mean 30 Min }
	Float Property QTrunOffMin Auto
	{ Min. in GameH time to Off Light, after this use only Delay }
	GlobalVariable Property QDebug Auto
	{ Global, true/false to show Debug Notifications ! 
		please, use "QLG_DEBUG_SCRIPT" }
;===- Main Script -==============================
Ev ent OnInit()
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Starting Initialization" )
	If( FirstUse )
			FirstUse = false
	If( QFired )
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Initialization Finished" ) 
EndEvent;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool FirstUse = true
	State Wait
		; Do Nothing
State QState_Ready
	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
		If( QRef != QPlayer )
		If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Triggered QLG_Script_SwitchLight" ) 
		QFired = true;
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay + QTrunOffMin )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool QFired = false;
State QState_Working
	Event OnUpdateGameTime()
		If( QLUpdateFire() )
			RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Update Fire, Fires left: " + AMT )
			QFired = false;
			GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Fire out" )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
Bool Function QLUpdateFire()
	Int Rand = QChain_GetRandomID()
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, ID: " + Rand )
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand ]
	TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 1 ]
	TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 2 ]
	TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 3 ]
	If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, All Objects are Good" )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, Few Objects are Bad" )
	QLPlayFireOut( TempArray )
	QChain_RemoveID( Rand )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return False
	Return true
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLFireUp()
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
		DataSize /= 4
	Int i = 0
	While ( i < DataSize )
		TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i ]
		TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 1 ]
		TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 2 ]
		TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 3 ]
		If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, All Objects are Good" )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, Objects are Bad" )
		QChain_Add( i )
		QLPlayFireUp( TempArray )
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )
		i += 1
		If( QDebug as bool )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire Created, ID: " + i )
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireUp( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireUp.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[0].Enable( true )		; Enable Light
		Data[1].Enable( true )		; Enable Effect
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )		; Wait
		Data[1].Disable( true )		; Disable Effect
		Data[2].Enable( true )		; Enable Static
		Data[3].Enable()			; Enable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.2 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireOut( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireOut.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[2].Disable( true )		; Disable Static
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
		Data[0].Disable( true )		; Disable Light
		Data[3].Disable( true )		; Disable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
;===- Class QChain -=================================================
		; Item Structure ;		;
			Int[] NextID		; Next Item ID
			Int[] PrevID		; Prev Item ID
			Int[] RefID			; Value to Object ID
		; Free Strusture ;		;
			Int[] List			; List of Free IDs
			Int First			; First Free ID
		; Var. List ;			;
			Int LastUsed		; Last Used Item
			Int FirstID			; First Item
			Int LastID			; Last Item
			Int AMT				; Amount Of Items
			Int Size = 32		; Size of Array
Int Function QChain_GetRandomID()
	Int Temp = FirstID
	Int Rand = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , AMT )
	Int i = 0
		While ( i < Rand )
			Temp = NextID[ Temp ]
			i += 1
	Return RefID[ Temp ]
Bool Function QChain_Add( int NewValue )
		If( AMT == Size )
			Return false
		int NewItemID = List[ First ]
		PrevID[ FirstID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ LastID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ NewItemID ] = FirstID
		PrevID[ NewItemID ] = LastID
		RefID[ NewItemID ] = NewValue
		LastID = NewItemID;
		First -= 1
		AMT += 1
		Return true
Bool Function QChain_RemoveID( int ID )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return false
		int ItemID = FirstID
		Int i = 0
		While ( i < AMT )
			If( ID == ItemID )
				AMT -= 1
				First += 1
				List[ First ] = ID
				NextID[ PrevID[ ItemID ] ] = NextID[ ItemID ]
				PrevID[ NextID[ ItemID ] ] = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == FirstID )
						FirstID = NextID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == LastID )
						LastID = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				Return true
			ItemID = NextID[ ItemID ]
			i += 1
	Return false
Function Constructor()
	NextID = new Int [ 32 ]
	PrevID = new Int [ 32 ]
	RefID = new Int [ 32 ]
	List = new Int [ 32 ]
	QDataArray = new ObjectReference [ 128 ]

	Int T = 0
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
	While ( T < DataSize )
		QDataArray[ T ] = QData.GetAt( T ) as ObjectReference
		T += 1
	First = Size - 1
	Int i = 0
		While ( i < Size )
			List[i] = ( Size - i ) - 1 ;
			NextID[i] = 0;
			PrevID[i] = 0;
			RefID[i] = 1;
			i += 1
	AMT = 0;
	LastUsed = 0;
	FirstID = 0;
	LastID = 0;
;=============- QChain Class END -==============;
; Hello I'm Tobi and my Sexy Cat is Nicole !...


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